- 一、學校資料
- 學校簡介、辦學團體、願景及使命、辦學宗旨、教育目標
- 校訓、校徽釋義、校歌
- 法團校董會
- 校監的話
- 校長的話
- 學校設施、班級編制、校曆表、校服式樣
- 行政架構
- 聯絡我們
- 學校文件
- 二、學與教
- 我們的學與教
- 資優教育
- 教師專業發展
- 家課及評估政策
- STEAM 教育
- 三、學生成長支援
- 成長增潤課
- 學生支援
- 中小銜接
- 校本課後學習及支援計劃
- 為讓「新來港兒童」及「非華語學生」適應新學習環境之措施
- 家長教育
- 幼小銜接
- 升中資訊
- 2023/2024年度 各中學簡介會及資訊日
- 2022-2024年度升中派位結果
- 四、學生成就
- 卓越榜(2020-21)
- 卓越榜(2021-22)
- 卓越榜(2022-23)
- 卓越榜(2023-24)
- 五、學校活動
- 學生服務團隊
- 常規課外活動
- 宗教活動
- 體藝科技課程
- 境外遊學
- 課外活動
- 學校典禮
- 校園相簿
- 聯校活動
- 六、學校夥伴
- 家長教師會
- 校友會
- 姊妹學校計劃
- 媒體報導
- 七、網站連結
Sometimes when we think about life, it is mysterious. We go to school for lifelong learning. But what should we do in a world of digital media, in a world full of different information and in a world that is totally different every year.
I think we should be tough and resilient. We should aim higher for being successful. Why?
Have you ever heard the story of Thomas Edison? He was a famous American inventor and businessman. Edison went to school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing and Maths by his mother. He was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. He always aimed high for being successful.
He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording (even though he was deaf), and motion pictures. These inventions, which include the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and early versions of the electric light bulb, have made a huge positive difference to our modern lives.
If we aim higher, we can envision a better future for ourselves. Moving ahead from lower primary to upper primary and then entering secondary school you may face many challenges and feel exhausted. But don’t worry we are here to support and encourage you at every step of the way!
Our alumni have been doing well. Many of them are good examples for you to follow. Some of them are studying Medicine and Surgery at CUHK, some are learning Global Business in HKUST and some are pursuing studying Law at HKU. They are working towards contributing to our society in various sectors. Why can they do so? They are really demonstrating Thomas Edison’s spirit and so can you!